How Does ClearCorrect Work? And Why Did We Choose It?

ClearCorrect is one of the most popular forms of clear aligner treatment, having helped hundreds of thousands of patients achieve straighter teeth since 2006. Being both virtually invisible and comfortable compared to traditional metal braces, it’s one of the most effective, accessible and discreet forms of orthodontic treatment. 

Is Invisalign Right For You? What Are The Alternatives?

If you’ve looked into teeth straightening options, you’ve probably heard of Invisalign. The treatment is a popular choice for those who seek orthodontic treatment. Even though Invisalign is a reputable household name, there is an array of valid alternatives which you might want to consider.

Invisible Braces for Adults: Pros and Cons When You’re 30+

Even though we tend to associate clear aligners with childhood and our teenage years, they are also very popular among adults. Their effectiveness and shorter orthodontic treatment duration are among the main reasons why adult patients choose invisible braces.

How Should I Clean My Clear Aligners? 4 Easy Ways

When it comes to dental hygiene, cleanliness is key! And it's no different when you're wearing clear aligners. But how exactly should you clean your clear aligners, how often should you do it, and why is it so important?

4 Reasons Why Teeth Straightening Might Not Be Good For you

Clear aligners have seen a dramatic surge in popularity in recent years, and it isn’t hard to see why. But they’re not suitable for everyone. So how do you know if clear aligners are right (or wrong) for you?

Top 6 Benefits of Clear Aligners vs Braces

Clear aligners have seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years, boasting an array of benefits compared to traditional metal braces. But what exactly are these benefits?

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost? Is It Worth It?

In the quest for straight teeth, you may be weighing up the pros and cons of both clear aligners and regular braces. But what are the key differences between them? How much do clear aligners cost? And is the treatment worth it? 

How to Fix Crooked Teeth? Our Best Solutions

A perfect smile doesn't just look good, it means better health too. That's why everyone should invest in orthodontic treatment, whether they have just one crooked tooth or many.

How Do Clear Aligners Straighten Your Teeth

Clear aligners are one of the most popular forms of orthodontic treatment, but how exactly do they work to straighten your teeth? Keep reading to find out.

7 Things You Need To Know Before You Get Clear Aligners

Thanks to their discreet appearance, invisible braces are an attractive option for those who'd like to straighten their crooked, crowded or gapped teeth.

Creating Healthier Smiles For Happier Lives

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